5 Quick Steps to Crack Your GRE On Your First Try

The core to crack your GRE examination is your dedication and your consistency. GRE is a competitive examination, and like every competitive examination, you need to be very consistent while preparing for it.

The pattern of GRE examination seems very easy, but you should not take this exam lightly, on doing this you will be your own worst enemy, and it would not lead you anywhere. You might be thinking that what you need to do to make the exams like GREs. There are many GRE online coaching that you can join, but before that, you should have a look at this checklist of 5 steps to crack GRE examination in your first attempt.

1 -Know your Present level:

Before starting any preparation or doing any study, you should know your present level that where do you stand and how long you need to cover. You should be aware of your strong and weak sections, and all the parts on which you need to work. You can try a mock GRE test as well to check yourself that where do you stand. Many GRE Coaching centres in Chennai provide these services.

2 -Make a proper plan for your preparation:

Once you know your present level, make a plan of action for your study and divide your entire syllabus or study material into small time slots. Once you are done with it, analyse previous year questions and pattern if possible. Join the Facebook groups that are primarily devoted to the Preparation of GREs.

3 -Pioneer in Vocab:

Vocab section for GREs examination should be excelled up to an extent. To gain expertise and make Vocab as your firm hand you can try flash cards, Novels of English Novelist, opt for English Newspapers and note down five words every day in your notebook. Once you start this practice and keep doing this consistently for 7-8 months before your exam, you will have 1000 new words in your vocab section that is quite impressive.

4 -Make your Quant on your Finger tips:

To secure good score in the quant section, you need to make sure that you can solve questions in desired time limit that is required. There is a time limit of 35 minutes for quant in which you need to answer the questions. The questions are not very tough, but it requires great practice and clarity of concepts to solve them instantly.

5 -Never Procrastinate or delay the things:

All these competitive examinations demand consistency. Procrastinating while preparing for these exams are like digging your own grave that you should always avoid. Thus make sure that you always do your all work on time. 

What is Best for You, GRE Online Classes or Offline Coaching

A decade ago, there were two ways by which you could prepare for a competitive exam- Classroom training and Self Learning. You could either enroll into a coaching institute to prepare for a competitive exam or you could buy the study material and prepare all by yourself.

But since the advent of the internet, many doors have been opened in every field and GRE preparation is no different. The online GRE classes have become fairly popular in the recent years. As far as exam fee goes in this matter, a student has to pay GRE exam fee in India irrespective of how he chooses to prepare which is fairly obvious.

Now let’s look at what a proper classroom course offers. A majority of students still prefer classroom courses over online courses because it works well for them. Having experts at your disposal and asking them constant questions to clear your doubts is a big advantage. Plus, these teachers know that GRE is a strategy based exam and they know the ways to clear it and share it with their students.

The teachers take the student through each and every section of the GRE paper and make sure they work well on their strengths and weaknesses. If the student is going wrong by any chance, the teacher can make corrections and tell them what they are doing wrong then and there.

A coaching class will test their students from time to time to see exactly where they stand and make sure they learn from their mistakes. It is more structured and allows students to exploit multiple resources. But these come at a cost which is way more than compared to online GRE classes.

GRE online coaching is an alternative to coaching classes. These are beginning to get popular slowly as more and more students are realizing that this is much cheaper than the actual classes and the internet almost has all the information one needs to crack the exam.

It mostly depends on the students. There are a lot of students who take GRE online coaching and put in their maximum effort and make sure that they clear the exam at any cost. They study as much as they can from the online classes and keep giving online mock tests to keep monitoring their performance from time to time.

So to sum up, it really depends on an individual and the amount of focus and hard work he/she is ready to put in to crack the exam. Others prefer coaching as they need proper guidance from time to time.

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